Should I Bathe My Pet Rat?

Should I Bathe My Pet Rat?

Rats are known to be very clean animals since they’re constantly cleaning themselves as well as their cage mates. If your rat is kept in a clean environment then a bath isn’t really necessary. Most of the time if your rat does get dirty, it may only require a wipe off or sponge bath. It’s…

8 Rat Toys Under $10

8 Rat Toys Under $10

Rats are highly intelligent pets that will get bored quickly without mental stimulation. One of the best ways to stimulate your rats mind and stop them from getting bored is the addition of toys in their cage. To help with this we’ve complied some rat toys under $10 so they won’t break the bank. Ladders…

Popular Pet Rat Names

Looking for a name for your rat and are stuck on deciding? Here is our list of popular rat names to help you in your decision. Peanut Toast Butter Cinnamon Pistachio Nugget Coconut Stuart Vader Milo Buddy Alvin Bagel Boba Sugar Brandy Cola Bubbles Buttons Candy Coco Soda Cuddles Cupcake Fang Einstine Casper Mr Biggles…

Types of Pet Rats

Rats are becoming ever increasingly popular animals to keep as pets. Easy to care for, friendly and inquisitive rats are a great pet for adults and children alike. But when it comes to deciding which species of rat to get the choices can be overwhelming. So to help out we’ve compiled a list of the…

Can Pet Rats Live Alone?

Can Pet Rats Live Alone?

Since rats are social animals, they’re happiest and gain stimulation when they’re around other rats. In the wild, rats live in large groups so when they’re brought home it’s best to try and imitate that by having at least two rats together for a more natural life. So the answer to can pet rats live…

Rat Cage Bedding

Rat Cage Bedding

The bedding you choose for your rat is the most important decision that you may make. You want the bedding to be comfortable, safe, odour free and clean. As well as that, you want the bedding to be able to absorb urine to help keep your rat dry and healthy. Do Rat Cages Need Bedding?…