Are Pet Rats Smart?

Are Pet Rats Smart?

If you’ve had pets, you know they can pick up on a lot of cues. Some animals can seem so smart that it feels like they can predict our every move. But how do rats compare to some other pets, like dogs? Pet rats are very smart, and they are smarter than animals like gerbils,…

Do Pet Rats Smell?

Do Pet Rats Smell?

I love rats! They are some of the friendliest small critters you could have as pets. They are so sweet and full of empathy. Non-domesticated rats tend to have odors, though. You’re looking to see if pet rats smell as bad as those non-domesticated rats, let’s find out. Pet rats do not smell. Rats, like…

Can Rats Eat Rabbit Food?

Can Rats Eat Rabbit Food?

Making sure your pets are eating the right food is challenging, mainly because there are many different options out there. While rats can eat a wide array of different foods, there are some they cannot consume, and I’ll be taking a look at whether they can eat rabbit food.  Rats cannot eat rabbit food. Rabbits…

Can Pet Rats Eat Cheese?

Can Pet Rats Eat Cheese?

Our common notion of rats and mice suggests that these rodents love nothing more than enjoying copious amounts of cheese. But is this dietary tendency true in actuality? And, more specifically, is it safe for a rat owners to regularly feed their rat cheeses? Pet rats can eat some types of cheese, but there are…

Can Rats Eat Alfalfa?

Alfalfa is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamins. Alfalfa is also high in indigestible fiber called cellulose. But don’t worry, indigestible fiber does not mean it will block your rats digestive system (in moderation). Cellulose just doesn’t fully breakdown during digestion. Fiber is actually beneficial for your rats digestion, making bowel movements easier….

Can Rats Eat Apricots?

Can Rats Eat Apricots?

Apricots are safe for Rats to eat. They make a great treat and are full of vitamins and antioxidants. They are best served fresh as a treat and contribute greatly to a well balanced diet. However; it is important to note that not all forms of apricot are safe for rats. Dried or dehydrated apricots…

Can Rats Eat Asparagus?

Is Asparagus Good for Rats? Asparagus is a great vegetable for pet rats. It is non-toxic to rats and makes an excellent choice when it comes to feeding rats fresh vegetables. Low in calories and high in essential beneficial vitamins and minerals, asparagus is a definite yes when it comes to creating a healthy balance…