Do Pet Rats Like to Cuddle?

Do Pet Rats Like to Cuddle?

Rats don’t have the best reputation in some circles, but the truth is that these fuzzy little rodents are great for people who enjoy interacting directly with their pets. Most rats enjoy handling, but how likely are they to cuddle with their prospective owners? Pet rats are highly social animals who love to cuddle with…

How to Litter Box Train a Rat?

How to Litter Box Train a Rat?

When I hear the phrase “litter box training,” the first animal that pops into my mind is unsurprisingly a cat considering they are the quintessential litter box users. However, I recently discovered that many small animals could use this relatively neat and easy to clean pet tool. The one that shocked me the most is…

Can You Give Pet Rats Baths?

Can You Give Pet Rats Baths?

If you are looking for a low-maintenance pet, I would highly recommend getting a pet rat. I always recommend rats for busy people. Unlike other pets, they are easy to keep and relatively clean animals, but you may be wondering if you can give them baths when they get dirty? Although there are times when…

Fancy Rat Vs. Dumbo Rat

Fancy Rat Vs. Dumbo Rat

When making a trip to the pet store, a pet rat is not something one would normally consider bringing home with them. Rats have a bit of a nasty reputation attached to them, but given the opportunity, I have found that they can actually make great companions. But now there is the choice between a…

Why Do Rats Lick You?

Why Do Rats Lick You?

Every pet owner is familiar with the desperate desire to know what your pet is trying to tell you. So, if you own a rat who licks you from time to time, you might be wondering what your little furry friend is trying to tell you by doing so. After experiencing the same behavior with…

Are Pet Rats Affectionate?

Are Pet Rats Affectionate?

If you are thinking about adopting a pet rat, it may have crossed your mind, are pet rats affectionate? A rat’s brain and body function closer to a human’s mind and body; that is why they make such good test subjects, unfortunately.  As a general rule, pet rats are some of the most affectionate domesticated…

Can Rats Eat Cat Food?

Can Rats Eat Cat Food?

Rat owners might think they’re doing a favor for the rat by offering them something similar to what cats eat. Still, there are some essential differences between these two animals’ digestive systems. Rats should not eat cat food. The rat’s digestive system is different from that of a cat and may cause an upset stomach….