Popular Pet Rat Names
Looking for a name for your rat and are stuck on deciding? Here is our list of popular rat names to help you in your decision.
Peanut | Toast | Butter |
Cinnamon | Pistachio | Nugget |
Coconut | Stuart | Vader |
Milo | Buddy | Alvin |
Bagel | Boba | Sugar |
Brandy | Cola | Bubbles |
Buttons | Candy | Coco |
Soda | Cuddles | Cupcake |
Fang | Einstine | Casper |
Mr Biggles | Olive | Paisley |
Pepper | Pearl | Picasso |
Raddish | Scabbers | Snoopy |
Sushi | Taco | Tank |
Tibbles | Toffee | Rodney |
Once you have chosen a name for you pet rat the next important steps is to research proper care to ensure your newest pet lives a happy and healthy life. We recommend if you are new to having rats as pets to start with our quick pet rat keeping guide.